CRLP Mission
The mission of the California Reading & Literature Project (CRLP) is to provide professional learning experiences centering educators as learners, leaders, and partners. We foster professional growth through reflective and critically-informed pedagogies and we promote authentic and comprehensive literacy instruction that is responsive to students' assets and identities.
CRLP accomplishes this by:
Linking universities, schools, and districts together in collaborative partnerships to improve teaching and learning with professional development designed to meet district needs.
Supporting teachers in the effective use of newly adopted, standards-based instructional materials.
Creating a statewide pool of expert teacher leaders and university scholars to conduct action research projects in order to translate California's educational policies and priorities into sound classroom practices to improve student achievement in Pre-K through 12th grade classrooms.
Developing teachers' content knowledge and expanding their teaching strategies (guided by state-adopted frameworks, content standards, and the science of reading) through summer and academic-year institutes and professional development programs.
Focusing on English language development to prepare all students to meet or exceed academic content standards in the subject areas.
SEL into Literature Conference
Professional Development
CRLP Results: Foundational Skills
Professional Development
Learning How English Works
Learning How English Works
Professional Learning
Results for Reading Comprehension
Professional Development
Spanish-English Biliteracy Transfer
Spring Speaker Series
Dyslexia Study Session
Teacher Leadership Invitational
Teachers as Learners and Leaders
Teachers as Learners and Leaders
LIGHT Award Grant
LIGHT Award Team
CRLP professional development opportunities are amazing! I value being able to learn about research-based strategies that have also been vetted by practicing teachers.CRLP Teacher Leader, San Francisco Unified School District