What is LHEW?
This professional development institute is designed to help unpack and implement Part II of the California ELD Standards. Learning How English Works deepens understanding of the California ELD Standards and guides teachers in planning language lessons for Designated ELD instruction.
Institute Outcomes
Consider classroom language demands connected to the CA ELD standards
Gain a deeper understanding of the text, sentence, and word level academic language of Part II of the CA ELD standards
Participate in an instructional routine sequence for teaching language
Experience strategies for teaching text, sentence, and word level language
Practice the Student Work Analysis Protocol (SWAP) with a focus on language to set learning goals
Consider how the protocols, strategies, and routines discussed fit into an existing curriculum
The content provided in this institute is appropriate for:
K-5th Classroom Teachers
6th-12th Classroom Teachers
Bilingual or ELD Coaches
TOSAs (Teachers on Special Assignment)
The format of this institute can be modified to meet the needs of specific school districts:
Three full-day sessions
Two full-day session, followed by two
half-day study sessions
Six half-day study sessions