Introduction to the CA Dyslexia Guidelines

Dyslexia Guidelines Study Session

This study session is designed to unpack the California Dyslexia Guidelines and provide educators with a general understanding of this new policy. 

Outcomes of this Professional Development Offering

  • Become familiar with the California Dyslexia Guidelines

  • Learn a 21st Century Definition of Dyslexia

  • Understand the Neuroscience of Dyslexia

  • Study the Signs of Dyslexia in Children and Adolescents

  • Explore Resources to Share with Teachers, Administrators, Students, and Parents

The overall goal of the three-hour workshop is to inform administrators, school psychologists, special education teachers, and general education teachers about what these new guidelines entail, how to begin a process of universal screening for students at risk for dyslexia, and how to identify appropriate instructional supports to assist these students.

The format of this institute can be modified to meet the needs of specific school districts, and is offered in both an in-person and virtual format:

  • One 3-hour study session

  • Two 1.5-hour study sessions

CRLP Signature Professional Learning Programs meets criteria for professional learning in LCFF, and ESEA’s High-Quality Professional Development for Title I, III, V and VII, Part A; and for Title II, Part A and B.
Dyslexia Guidelines
This was the BEST training and most useful I have had in a long time! I valued the quantity and quality of information given in such a short amount of time, and the resources to share back at my school with colleagues and parents.
School Psychologist