Professional Learning
Supporting California’s K-12 teachers with high-quality professional learning to support the successful implementation of the CA Common Core State Standards for ELA/Literacy and English Language Development
CRLP Signature Professional Learning Programs
Reflect the collective knowledge of teacher-leaders, researchers, and scholars in the field of literacy
Honor teacher professionalism by providing an in depth look at the What, Why and How of literacy and language development in K-12
Offer practical instructional routines and tools for teachers to support K-12 students' academic language and literacy
CRLP Signature Professional Learning Programs meets criteria for professional learning in LCFF, and ESEA’s High-Quality Professional Development for Title I, III, V and VII, Part A; and for Title II, Part A and B.
CRLP Signature Programs

I appreciate that in CRLP programs English Learners and their needs are at the forefront of learning. My students have greatly benefited from Results and Results for Reading Comprehension. I also value the thoughtful and dynamic learning embedded in all these offerings.CRLP Teacher Leader - South San Francisco Unified School District