Since 1997, thousands of California teachers have participated in CRLP Results
These institutes are organized around three key elements: standards-aligned assessment, teamwork and data analysis, and research-based instruction.
The latest iteration of CRLP Results (2021) has been revised to highlight the latest research around the Science of Reading, including current assessments and interventions that support the implementation of the Common Core Foundational Skills standards. This training is a 5-6 Module series, designed to meet the needs of the school/district. We offer both in-person as well as hybrid synchronous/ asynchronous sessions via remote learning. The focus of CRLP Results is on helping teachers make sound instructional decisions about students who are not proficient on benchmark assessments of grade-level ELA content standards.
Learn to administer and analyze assessments which correspond to the Common Core Foundational Literacy Standards to improve instruction and student performance.
Acquire instructional strategies from a Structured Literacy approach that correspond to the CCSS standards.
Become familiar with current and confirmed research related to the science of reading and effective literacy instruction of English Learners, developing readers, and struggling readers.
Learn an instructional scope and sequence of teaching and learning foundational skills and how to utilize current resources to best support mastery of these skills.
CRLP Signature Professional Learning Programs meets criteria for professional learning in LCFF, and ESEA’s High-Quality Professional Development for Title I, III, V and VII, Part A; and for Title II, Part A and B.